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Hey, PhD students, freshly graduated PhDs & Postdocs, I have something for you! 👋
In January 2021, I launched a vlog-podcast dedicated to scientist-entrepreneurs (founders of deep tech startups).
You can take a look here: https://www.episteme-entrepreneur.com/
From January 2023, I would like to invite you PhD students, freshly graduated PhDs & Post-Docs in STEM.
Be my Guest for a 1hour Zoom interview.
An interview in which you offer a review of your field of research shows your expertise to a wider audience beyond your peers.
The interviews I design for you, bring you a lot of opportunities.
Some examples:
- Better opportunities in the academic world (more Universities value public speaking by their scientists because your smart talks shine on the institution).
- Job opportunities in large industrial companies that are looking for Stars to associate with their brand.
- Opportunities to join or co-found a tech startup.
- Attracting investors and early supporters for your tech startup.
- Invitations in the mainstream media (TV, radio, print) and digital media that will give your personal brand of an Expert even more exposure.
- Consulting missions (very well paid) with companies, NGOs or public authorities
- And some surprises!
If you are interested in being my Guest, book a moment on my agenda to discuss your ITW further.
Clic the green button
E² - Épistémê Entrepreneur