ITW Dr Morgan Parfitt-David, Behavioral Scientist
Founder-CEO of Analytica & Predicta Football
People make 35,000 decisions a day and 99% of our decisions are made automatically by our unconscious brain ie not based on our conscious rational thinking.
We - even the smartest people - are all the puppets of our unconscious brain.
Usually, companies have two combined approach to study their customers
What customers say (Customer interview data from surveys, focus groups, and interviews).
Customer may know what he wants, and he may even make take steps to make it happen, but ultimately, he can’t control what he will do.
What customers do (Ethnographic data from the observation of customers’ behavior when engaging with a product in real life).
Even if the customer wants to move forward, his unconscious irrational brain will have final say over where to go.
Most of the time, what customers say and what they actually do not align, this leads to the commercial failure of 90% of new products!
Why customers do what they do (behavioral sciences insights)
When "what customers say" and "what they do" fail to align, the disconnect provides a foundation for the Why. Smart CEOs use insights from behavioral sciences to understand the factors that explain why this disconnect exists. This fine understanding enables them to correct and bring the right answer to the market.
Do you dream to reveal the truth about your customers that your competitors don’t know and that your customers themselves can’t know?
Behavioral sciences can help you move beyond “what customers say” and “what customers do” to discover the “why customers do what they do”.
[ What customers say +/- What customers do ] x Why customers do what they do = TRUTH
What are behavioral sciences?
Awarded by five Nobel Prizes, behavioral Sciences are an interdisciplinary Academic field of study that combines insights from neurosciences (cognitive, emotional & behavioral psychology, neurology, neurobiology, neuro-biophysics), sociology, psycho-sociology, management & economics. To make the story short, the behavioural sciences study hidden forces that influence human behaviour, motivation and irrational, unconscious decision-making. The principles of behavioural sciences can be applied in every side of a business model: design of products (services and goods, packaging), marketing & sales, HR & management, customer experience and relationship, the revenue model (pricing), the corporate communication … .
While human decision-making may seem irrational, often our “errors” in judgment are systematic and, therefore, predictable. And as they are predictable, applying insights from behavioral sciences in business is a game-changer for the smart CEOs who welcome this approach among their tools.
In this new episode of Epistémê Entrepreneur, we have the pleasure to discuss with our Guest Dr. Morgan Parfitt-David. He holds a PhD in behavioral sciences from the University of Quebec in Montreal and the University of Burgundy in France.
Dr. Parfitt-David is a brilliant entrepreneur, he is the founder-CEO of Analytica, a consulting company founded in 2015 that applies evidence-based psychological techniques to business strategies and performance.

Throught its remarkable services - cogniSales, cogniMenu, cogniPackaging -, Analytica offers companies the opportunity to improve their innovation, marketing, sales, communication... .
He is also the founder CEO of Predicta football, a company founded in 2019 with a remarkable claim : The 1st science-based talent identification tool for predictive recruitment in football !

What if you could predict who among young athletes have the potential to become a professionnal?
There is an intense worldwide competition to identify future football talents at an early age. Only 0.5% of players joining a training center of a Premier League’s club make it to the club’s first team.
Currently, the recruitment of young players is only based on physical & technical skills. This way of talent identification is highly biased, and results in investment loss & missed opportunities.
The talent identification tool developed by PREDICTA FOOTBALL is based on scientific studies showing that carefully selected cognitive & mental skills predict young players’ performance at the professional level. Training centers & clubs that add the talent identificatin tool developed by Predicata Football to the physical and technical skills will have a radical advantage over their competitors.
E² - Épistémê Entrepreneur
300 ans avant notre ère, l'immense polymath grec Aristote définissait le mot épistémê comme étant une vertu, celle des Savants en action.
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