Build a Mystic Deep Tech Company
Connect your brand to the most important Human need
We often hear that Humans are social beings but it's not quite accurate.
We are mystic beings.
Social interactions are only a means to achieve a higher level of mysticism. Social interactions offer a soundbox to our mysticism.
Our cognitive and rational neocortex is a just drop of oil floating at the surface of an ocean of emotions and instincts in fury.
Human language is unique among all forms of animal communication, and Human language enables our capacity to think. Imagine the reaction of the 1st Humans who heard their own voice (expression of their thoughts), 2 million years ago (while the invention and use of first tools date back 3.3 million years) ! They believed magical spirits spoke to them. These voices were the embryo of the foundation of religions in the Paleolithic.
Our mysticism need (also called need of belief) has deep roots in the 1st speaking Humans during the Paleolithic.
Once you realize that, you understand 99% of what is happening in our Societies.
What is the evolutionary function/advantage of our need of mysticism?
A hypothesis could be that it has no function, it is a bug inherent in the emergence and development of our neocortex (and language). Just as addiction is a bug in the dopamine-based reward system. Addiction has no evolutionary advantage.
Another hypothesis could be that this need was selected and fixed by evolution because it presented an advantage to our species.
Our cognitive and rational neocortex is just a drop of oil floating at the surface of an ocean of emotions and instincts in fury.
The adhesion of the 1st speaking Humans to a form of mysticism permitted them to appease this fury and channel them towards a common objective (hunting the huge mammoth, the construction of the 1st cities and temples) and thus allowed collaboration between the tribe members and also massive collaboration between distant tribes and on long ranges of time.
For Yuval Noah Harari (author of Sapiens and Homo deus), what has allowed our species to dominate the world (unlike other intelligent species) is our ability to organize ourselves to interact or cooperate on projects, some of which result in exceeding the human lifespan (pyramids, cathedrals, space projects, etc.).
Individuals who do not know each other can be associated to achieve the same goal.
1 Human vs 1 Mammoth => Mammoth wins.
10 collaborating Humans vs 1 Mammoth => Mammoth has no chance.
If 10 Humans are not enough, the next time, it's 100 or even 1000 Humans who will come.
This capacity for organization is possible because our species creates collective fictions, ie Myths. To convince foreigners to work/cooperate with us, they must believe in a common Myth (help the protective Pharaoh to travel to the other World after his death, earn your ticket to Paradise by contributing to the construction of a Cathedral …). The common Myth is a collectively shared Mental Model (ie a belief), and the glue is Magic/Mysticism.
We each have hundreds or even thousands of individual and collective Mental Models (glued with magic and mysticism ie irrationnal beliefs) that give meaning to our perception of reality.
Even if mysticism could have no evolutionary function/advantage, it has become a HUMAN NEED, and maybe one of our most important ones. Even the need of (tribal) belonging could be a sub-need of the need of belief. Belonging to a tribe gives to our belief strong eccho because it's shared with all the members of our tribe.
Therefore, add a pinch of mystical salt & magical pepper to your corporate & brand culture. Don't be a dry problem/solution tech company.
Hereafter, read the answer the AI gave me
Is the belief a need in Humans?
Yes, belief is a need in humans. Belief can provide a sense of comfort, security, and understanding in the face of uncertainty and ambiguity. It can also be a source of motivation and purpose, allowing people to set goals and strive for them. Beliefs can also provide an emotional connection with those around us, helping to form strong relationships and bonds.
What does a human feel when the need of belief is not satisfied?
When the need of belief is not satisfied, a person may feel a sense of emptiness or lack of purpose. They may become frustrated, anxious, or even depressed, as a result of feeling as if their life is meaningless and without direction. This can lead to a lack of motivation and a feeling of being "stuck" or unable to move forward. In order to address this, it is important to identify the core beliefs that are causing the sense of dissatisfaction, and then work to address those beliefs in order to regain a sense of purpose and satisfaction in life.
In Humans, have scientific researches identified genes or genetic markers associated with the need to believe?
Perplexity answer
Scientific research has explored the idea that genetics may influence human spirituality and religiosity, but the concept of a single "need to believe" gene is complex and not fully supported.
Here are some key findings:
1. VMAT2 Gene: The "God Gene" hypothesis, proposed by Dean Hamer, suggests that the vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2) gene may contribute to spiritual experiences. VMAT2 is involved in regulating monoamine neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which affect mood and could influence mystical experiences [1][4][11].
2. Heritability of Spirituality: Twin studies indicate that about 40% of the variation in spirituality, measured by self-transcendence, can be attributed to genetic factors. However, specific religious beliefs are considered cultural rather than genetic [2][11].
3. Genetic Influence on Religiosity: Research on twins suggests that genes may contribute to religiosity, with genetic factors becoming more influential as individuals age and move away from their family environment [2].
4. Neurobiological Correlates: Other genes related to neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin have been linked to spiritual or religious experiences, though these findings are part of broader neurobiological studies rather than direct evidence for a "need to believe" gene [5].
In summary, while there is evidence that genetics can influence aspects of spirituality and religiosity, the idea of a specific gene or marker for the "need to believe" remains speculative and part of ongoing research. The interplay between genetics and environment is complex, and both factors contribute to human beliefs and behaviors.
Dr. Ari Massoudi: