Unveiling the Secrets of Aging: An Exclusive Interview with Dr. Michael Fossel
This article reports on a fascinating discussion we had with Dr. Michael Fossel, a world-renowned expert in aging biology (see bio at the bottom of this article). Co-hosted by Gabriel Cian, a serial tech entrepreneur and founder of the "2026" Foundation (see at the bottom of this article), the session explored the fascinating world of aging research, telomere biology, and the future of medical science.
A Journey Through Time and Science
Dr. Fossel's journey is truly remarkable. With a PhD in neurobiology and a Medical Doctorate degree, he has dedicated his career to understanding and potentially reversing human aging. His work has been instrumental in shaping our understanding of cellular senescence and telomere shortening. As the founder of Telocyte, Dr. Fossel is at the forefront of bringing telomere therapy to clinical trials, aiming to combat age-related diseases.
From Childhood Curiosity to Scientific Prowess
Interestingly, Dr. Fossel's early life didn't foreshadow a future in biology. His parents, both involved in the OSS and later the CIA during World War II, had different backgrounds. It wasn't until high school that Dr. Fossel's fascination with science emerged, initially through mathematics and physics, and later through psychology and neurobiology.
The Path to Aging Research
Dr. Fossel's transition from psychology to neurobiology was marked by a pivotal moment at Stanford, where he encountered ethical challenges that led him to medical school. This shift allowed him to explore the intricacies of neuroanatomy and eventually led him to question the simplistic views on aging prevalent at the time.
The Elephant in the Room: Understanding Aging
One of the most compelling parts of the interview was Dr. Fossel's analogy of the "blind man and the elephant" to describe the fragmented understanding of aging. He emphasized that while we know a lot about various aspects of aging, we often fail to see the bigger picture. This realization drove him to clinical medicine, where he found emotional satisfaction in improving patients' lives while continuing his intellectual pursuit of understanding age-related diseases.
The Breakthrough: Telomeres and Telomerase
The early 1990s marked a turning point in Dr. Fossel's career when he encountered the groundbreaking work on telomeres and telomerase. This discovery provided a cohesive framework to understand the aging process and led to his seminal book, "Reversing Human Aging." His work laid the foundation for future research and opened new avenues for potential therapies.
The Practical Approach to Aging
Dr. Fossel's pragmatic approach to aging is both refreshing and inspiring. He argues that the real question is not whether aging is a disease but what we can do about it. His focus remains on alleviating the pain, discomfort, and fear associated with age-related diseases, rather than getting bogged down in philosophical debates.
A Vision for the Future
As the interview concluded, Dr. Fossel shared his vision for the future of aging research. He highlighted the importance of understanding the underlying mechanisms of aging to develop effective interventions. His work with Telocyte aims to translate this knowledge into practical therapies that can improve the quality of life for millions.
Final Thoughts
This interview with Dr. Michael Fossel was a profound exploration of the science of aging, filled with personal anecdotes, scientific insights, and a clear vision for the future. It underscored the importance of interdisciplinary research and the need for a holistic understanding of aging. For anyone interested in the future of medicine and longevity, Dr. Fossel's work offers a beacon of hope and a roadmap for what lies ahead.
Dr. Fossel has an MD and a PhD in neurobiology from Stanford University where he taught neurobiology and research methods. A clinical professor of medicine, he is considered to be the world foremost expert on telomeres, aging, and age-related disease. He gave the first talk at the NIH on reversal of human aging, published the first medical articles (in JAMA) on the potential of telomeres as a clinical intervention, and authored the only medical textbook in this field, Cells, Aging, and Human Disease, by Oxford University Press. He served as editor-in-chief of Rejuvenation Research and OBM Geriatrics, as well as director of the American Aging Association. He has authored more than 100 books, chapters, and articles, including The Telomerase Revolution, which the Wall Street Journal and The London Times both praised as one of the best science books of the year and is out in ten global editions. He is president Telocyte, a biotech firm taking telomere therapy to FDA human trials, as well as author of “A Unified Model of Dementias and Age-Related Neurodegeneration”, published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia: the Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association in January of 2020, which generated more than 1,000 reprint requests, as well as numerous invitations to chair academic conferences and give opening keynotes. His Academic Press textbook, Aging: How aging works, how we can reverse aging, and prospects for curing aging diseases, was published in March of 2024.
How to contact Michael