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ITW Darius Lahoutifard Author / Educator / Entrepeneur

Leadership by Cyrus the Great: Unlocking Xenophon's Cyropaedia

September 3, 2024

Startup Founders: 3700 years-old Wisdom For Your Leadership

Hey there, ambitious entrepreneurs! Buckle up for a journey back to 3700 years ago as we explore some seriously timeless leadership advice from the ancient Iranian prophet, Zoroaster (also known as Zarathustra). This wise old sage has insights that are as fresh as today's app updates. Let's dive in!

Who is Zoroaster?

Zoroaster introduced the world to a revolutionary monotheistic religion. His teachings, contained in the Gathas (recorded in the Avesta, the holy book of Zoroastrianism), present a single god, Ahura Mazda, embodying infinite wisdom and intelligent existence. But Zoroaster's wisdom isn't just about religion; it's packed with practical leadership lessons that are as relevant today as they were back then.

The Power of Good Thoughts, Good Words, and Good Deeds

Imagine Zoroaster popping into your sleek office, dropping this truth bomb: "The most important thing in life is to have good thoughts, speak good words, and do good deeds." In the competitive world of startups, maintaining a positive mindset, communicating effectively, and acting ethically can truly set you apart.

The Startup Battlefield: Good vs. Evil

Zoroaster saw the world as a constant battle between good and evil, truth and lies. Sound familiar? In the startup realm, you're continually fighting against market forces, competitors, and even self-doubt. The key is choosing which side you're on with every decision you make.

Leadership Lessons from the Gathas

  1. Ahura Mazda - The One God: Embrace wisdom, think critically, and continually strive for knowledge and understanding.
  2. The Attributes of Ahura Mazda:
  3. Daena Vanguhi (Righteous Conscience): Cultivate a clear vision, speak with conviction, and act ethically to build trust.
  4. Manthras (Words that Awaken Thought): Promote a culture of learning, ask the right questions, and encourage curiosity.

The Holy Trinity of Startup Success

  • Humata (Good Thoughts): Keep your mind sharp and intentions pure.
  • Hukhta (Good Words): Communicate with clarity and kindness.
  • Hvarshta (Good Deeds): Build a product that solves real problems and treat your team fairly.

The Founder's Fire

Zoroaster saw fire as a symbol of purity and truth. As a founder, find your inner fire—that burning passion that keeps you going. Let this fire guide your decisions, aligning them with your core values and mission.

The Ultimate MVP: Yourself

Zoroaster believed in Frashokereti, or making the world fresh. In startup terms, this is disruption or innovation. But to refresh the world, you first need to refresh yourself through continuous personal growth.

Wrapping Up: The Ancient Art of Pivoting

Zoroaster taught that life is a constant choice between good and evil, truth and lies. In the startup world, this is pivoting. Make hard choices, change direction when needed, and stay true to your core values.

So, founders, the next time you're faced with a tough decision, channel your inner Zoroaster. Choose good thoughts, speak good words, and do good deeds. Not only will it make you a better leader, but it might just give you the edge you need in this crazy, beautiful world of startups. Remember, you're not just building a company; you're shaping the future. Make it a good one!

By the way, do you know who was the most brilliant disciple of Zoroaster's teachings? 

Answer: Cyrus the Great

Cyrus the Great, also known as Cyrus II of Persia, was the founder of the Achaemenid Empire, which became one of the largest empires in history. He is renowned for his tolerant and humane rule, as well as his political and military prowess, which led to the conquest of much of the ancient Middle East, including the Babylonian and Lydian kingdoms. Cyrus is credited with issuing the Cyrus Cylinder, a decree that advocated for religious tolerance, the peaceful coexistence of different cultures, and the abolishment of slavery within his realm. Notably, he freed the Jewish people who were held captive in Babylon and allowed them to return to their homeland. Additionally, he supported the rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem, further demonstrating his commitment to religious freedom and cultural respect. His legacy and leadership significantly influenced the ancient world and continue to be studied and admired today.


Unleash Your Inner Cyrus: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Leaders 👑

Darius, a serial tech entrepreneur and seasoned executive, has spent countless hours diving into the ancient texts of Xenophon to uncover the secrets of Cyrus the Great's legendary leadership.

Why should you tune in?

- Timeless Tactics: Discover how Cyrus's principles of freedom, wisdom, integrity, and justice can revolutionize your leadership style.

- A Masterclass in Leadership: Learn from a visionary who has successfully applied Cyrus's teachings to his own career.Don't miss this chance to unlock the secrets of one of history's greatest leaders. Mark your calendars and get ready to be inspired!
