ITW Dr Sina Shahandeh, Computational Physicist, Founder of Plan with Flow
Can ChatGPT do financial planning? Connecting LLMs and Mathematical Models
Large Language Models (LLMs) used by AI such as ChatGPT have a limitation when it comes to complex mathematical tasks such as financial modelling, which requires intricate simulations.
For instance, while GPT-4 can compute the interest paid on a loan, it cannot determine the loan's duration over several years.
In this talk, Sina Shahandeh shows how we can use ChatGPT as an interface for a no-code financial planning application and allow users to build a financial plan and inquire about it in natural conversation.
Sina Shahandeh holds a PhD in scientific computing and has led data science teams at three startups in Toronto's ecosystem. Before founding Plan with Flow, Sina served as the Vice President of Data Science at ecobee Inc., leading to an exit valued at $770 million.
He is the founder of Plan with Flow, a no-code tool for modelling personal finance situations. Sina believes individuals and society can become more rational if we can foresee the outcome of our actions using mathematical models with the help of AI.

Dr. Benjamin Delsol, Quantum Physicist, Deep Tech Expert and European Patent Attorney
ITW + IP Masterclass of Benjamin 👉https://www.episteme-entrepreneur.com/blog/benjamin-delsol-physique-quantique-propriete-intellectuelle-brevet-deep-tech
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